On Our "Virtual Route 66" (Final Month-End Edition): On A Stoic Perspective
Our team is privileged to present A stoic sense of hope as we hope we can continue to live up to expectations--and as we look forward to the continued privilege to serve: We can say unequivocally that Marcus Aurelius was a collector of stories regarding people’s goodness. He took the time to write these things down so he would remember them and be inspired by them, so he could model his life after them. These stories made him better, reminded him of what his most important job in life was—to be a good person and work for the common good. He was “choosing his Cato’s,” as Seneca advised, finding the models to measure himself against. Read: Let These Make You Better YOUTUBE TAKEAWAY OF THE WEEK: In a recent video on the Daily Stoic YouTube Channel , Ryan Holiday shares valuable Stoic truths from acclaimed guests of The Daily Stoic Podcast, such as Matthew McConaughey, Alexander Ludvig, and Tim Ferriss: “We have to be less impressed and more involve...