
Showing posts from June, 2020


As we went to press, we have seen a continue spike in COVID-19 Cases.    A sampling of the reporting as noted by the Washington Examiner is noted below: Texas-sized problem: Gov. Abbott says tougher anti-COVID restrictions might come back The number of new coronavirus cases and hospitalizations has increased in Texas and several states in the South and West, leading governors to eye more aggressive responses. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Monday that increased rates in hospitalizations and record daily highs of new coronavirus cases show that “COVID-19 is now spreading at an unacceptable rate in Texas, and it must be corralled.” Read the full story here. In light of this,  we have decided to ask all to Wear a Mask, Practice Social Distancing as we hereby concluded this PSA with this appeal from all our living Governors of California as we say let's Defeat COVID 19 Together: Wearing a mask protects the people around you. It isn’t political. It isn’t

Notations From the Grid (Weekly Edition): : On Pandemic Planning

Follow the Data · 62. Responding to a Pandemic Crisis

Notations From the Grid (Special Edition): On The Eve of Fathers' Day Here in the United States...

It is the eve of Fathers' Day Week-End here in the United States.  In Honor of Fathers' Day, our team hereby presents our Founders' "SMP Corner" On Spotify  which we hope all enjoy which we hereby present on all our platforms.   Happy Fathers' Day to All.  

Out & About in Our World: On America's Response to the #Coronavirus

Coronavirus Pandemic: Whole-of-America Response Greetings Partners, Although our previous emails have concentrated primarily on the worship spaces, we recognize that many of you are also affiliated with religious or parochial schools. As the conventional school year winds down, there are questions about summer school and how schools may look and operate come the new school year this fall. The links below contain helpful information and resources for schools and school personnel: U.S. Dept. of Education - Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives within the Department of Education - REMS TA  (Readiness & Emergency Management for Schools) - Hazards_Threats_Biological_ Hazards.aspx#/ CDC Childcare, Schools, and Youth Programs - coronavirus/2019-ncov/ community/schools-childcare/ index.html USDA COVID-19 with particular reference to Child Nutrition Programs

Dear Class of 2020 (Live stream)
