Notations From the Social Grid (Weekly Edition): An Opportunity To Make a Difference Here in California
Registration is now open for the 2022 Great California ShakeOut Earthquake Drill! International ShakeOut Day is October 20 this year, however, you can hold your drill on any day of the year. Be registering now as a household, school, or organization, you will help inspire millions more people worldwide to practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On or other protective actions (see image below), and to become better prepared to survive and recover ! Community groups can also participate in ShakeOut, and work together year-round to improve their resilience. See the announcement below for a webinar May 17 @ 3pm for a great example from the Coachella Valley! Register Join the Earthquake Country Alliance tomorrow, from 3 to 4pm PT, for the fifth Community Engagement Webinar. This time we feature the Coachella Valley Disaster Preparedness Network, (CVDPN), an NGO non-profit aimed to train, educate and network all people of the Coachella Valley (Palm Springs and nearby cities) on individual a