
#OutsiderVibes (Special Edition): Emperor


On Our Final 'Virtual Route 66" For January 2024

  Take action:  Drop, Cover, and Hold On  - the best way to protect yourself and loved ones when the shaking begins. For modifications of Drop, Cover and Hold On, check out the  Earthquake Preparedness Guide for Seniors, People with Disabilities, and Others with Access and Functional Needs (AFN) Create a family  emergency plan  that includes how and where to evacuate and how you will communicate. Get to know your SSA building’s emergency procedures. Know where to evacuate to. Organize your  emergency supplies .

On Our Virtual Route 66 With #RandomThoughts For the Week-End


On Our Virtual Route 66: Thoughts Courtesy Ryan Holiday

  ​ This is the Word I'm Trying to Live By This Year ​ The past year has been all about LESS for me. At the end of 2022, actually as part of  The Daily Stoic New Year New You Challenge  ( new one starting on Jan 1 if you want to join us ), my wife and I picked a word we were going to use as our lodestar for the year. We picked ‘less’ because we felt like we were too busy, too overwhelmed, too stressed, too frustrated. I was just exhausted as December ended and I felt like my health, my family, and my quality of life could not face another year of the same. So as I wrote here,  in an article , my goal was: Less . Less commitments. Less drama. Less busyness. Less screen time. Just less. Part of the reason I want less is so I have room for more. More stillness. More presence. Looking back, I think we did a pretty good job. I was strict about passing on stuff I didn’t want to do. I asked my assistant not to schedule appointments or interviews or calls on Fridays. I pushe...

Happy New Year!!


On Our Final "Virtual Route 66" For 2023: Some Random Thoughts Courtesy the World Bank

  As we bid farewell to 2023, our team chose this courtesy the team at the World Bank to think about the possibilities and "Hope" as we look forward to the privilege of service in 2024: IDA – the World Bank’s fund for the poorest -- Midterm Review Update The  IDA Midterm Review , which brings together more than 100 donor and recipient governments to take stock of progress, discuss challenges, and plan for the future,  took place in Zanzibar  from December 6-8. World Bank President Ajay Banga launched the campaign for what he aims to make the largest IDA replenishment ever. In his  remarks , followed by a  livestreamed conversation , Ajay  detailed his ambitious vision  for the future of IDA, discussed new ways to deploy these crucial resources, and spoke about the  World Bank’s plan  to bring electricity to 100 million Africans by 2030 using IDA.  Learn more . World Bank Doubling Down on Climate Action  With an ambitious financ...

Notations On Our World (Special Weekly Edition): On COP28

Our team chose COP28 to feature as we look forward to commenting on it: