*HMA Funds Can Be Used for Hazard Mitigation Planning: The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program offers funding for planning. The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program offers funding for planning. The Flood Mitigation Assistance program offers funding for planning. 2022 Hazard Mitigation Partners Workshop Call for Abstracts Now through Jan. 14, 2022, FEMA is accepting abstracts for the 2022 Hazard Mitigation (HM) Partners Workshop! This workshop is an annual gathering of hazard mitigation stakeholders with the purpose of informing and updating them about mitigation grants and floodplain management, strengthening relationships, and providing knowledge transfer between FEMA and invited attendees. This virtual event will be May 2-5, 2022. This year's theme is Building Whole Community Resilience: Partnerships, Capability, & Capacity. Abstracts are due by Jan. 14, 2022. Learn more about this ev...