
On Our "Virtual Route 66" : Why Esparanza is Being Born

Our team was in the community and we captured a simple message from that is at the heart of why we are beginning this journey:

Notations On Our World (Special Edition): On #Ukraine

We present a special edition courtesy the team at Global Citizen on all our key platforms on ways to help Ukraine:

On Our "Virtual Route 66 This Week": On Emergencies & COVID-19

Our team was in Community this week (and we captured an image of our Community Walkabout) as North Laguna Beach had to deal with a Fire and evacuations were ordered.  As such, our team pulled some latest on Shelter as our Esparanza Initiative evolves--this is as America is starting to open up as COVID recedes (and we captured a recent edition of the John Hopkins Snapshot for reference):   FEMA Updated Shelter Locator Texting Feature Having the right information at the right time is often key to surviving a disaster. FEMA’s texting feature allows the public to access shelter information when they need it most. Users can text "shelter" and their ZIP code to 43362 to get a list of nearby shelter locations.  This effort is made possible through collaboration with the American Red Cross. “Disasters frequently disrupt communications systems which can leave survivors feeling overwhelmed and helpless when they are trying to locate shelters,” said FEMA Administrator Deanne Cr...

Notations On Our World (Weekly Edition): On Global Risks (Courtesy the Visual Capitalist)


On @FEMA Watch This Week

  FEMA BULLETIN   In this Edition: FEMA Announces $530M for Emergency Food and Shelter Program More Than $1B Available for Firefighters Grants FEMA Publishes Data on Flood Insurance Rating Methodology FEMA Seeks Input on Development of National Continuous Improvement Guidance DHS Hosts Human Trafficking Panel Discussion Upcoming Deadlines and Reminders Important Deadlines & Reminders Public comment period ends  for Public Assistance policy.  Assistance to Firefighters Grants  application period closes at 5 p.m. ET. FEMA Announces $530M for Emergency Food and Shelter Program   FEMA announced a  $530 million allocation  for the  National Board for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program  (EFSP). This program supports jurisdictions across the country that assist our nation’s hungry and homeless populations.   The program’s National Board will distribute the funds to local organizations dedicated to feeding, sheltering and providing ...

On Our World

*HMA Funds Can Be Used for Hazard Mitigation Planning: The  Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities  (BRIC) program offers funding for planning. The  Hazard Mitigation Grant Program  offers funding for planning. The  Flood Mitigation Assistance  program offers funding for planning. 2022 Hazard Mitigation Partners Workshop Call for Abstracts Now through Jan. 14, 2022, FEMA is accepting abstracts for the 2022 Hazard Mitigation (HM) Partners Workshop! This workshop is an annual gathering of hazard mitigation stakeholders with the purpose of informing and updating them about mitigation grants and floodplain management, strengthening relationships, and providing knowledge transfer between FEMA and invited attendees. This virtual event will be  May 2-5, 2022.  This year's theme is  Building Whole Community Resilience: Partnerships, Capability, & Capacity.   Abstracts are due by Jan. 14, 2022.   Learn more  about this ev...

On This #ChristmasEve2021......

  Please enjoy this curated selection from our co-founders' Spotify collection as we wish all a joyous holiday season: