On this Thanksgiving Eve here in the United States, we hereby present this courtesy the team at The Atlantic as we wish all a Happy Thanksgiving here in the United States: 9 Poems for a Tough Winter (Matt Black/Magnum) “SO PENSEROSO” BY OGDEN NASH ( AUDIO VERSION ) I do not wish to be blithe, / I wish to recoil and writhe. / I will revel in cosmic woe, / And I want my woe to show. This one will straighten you out. The great Ogden Nash, 1902–71, was a fiercely innovative poet who consecrated his art to the entertainment of the masses—and carried on being fiercely innovative. No one was wittier, no one was more verbally adroit, yet he had no meanness or spikiness; he was adored by that shy beast, the general reader. “So Penseroso” is a loving, piercing send-up of a certain strain of indulgent melancholia—to which we’re all prone right now, let’s face it. You will feel both accurately diagnosed and much, much better. — James Parke r, staff writer “ MY HOUSE ” BY NIKKI GIOVANNI ...